Owners & Managers
For managers/owners with an Enterprise subscription.
- How can I view my teachers?
- How can I add a teacher?
- How can I remove a teacher?
- How can I login as a teacher?
- How can I edit a teacher's account?
- How can I change the maximum number of students a teacher can have rostered?
- How can I handle error messages when adding teachers?
- How can I reset a teacher's password?
- Teacher FAQ
- How can I add multiple teachers at once?
- How can I add multiple students at once?
- How can I handle error messages when adding multiple teachers at once?
- How can I handle error messages when adding multiple students at once?
- How can I view managers?
- What permissions do managers have?
- How can I add a manager?
- How can I remove a manager?
- How can I edit a manager's account?
- How can I handle error messages when adding managers?
- Manager FAQ
- How can I create a course?
- How can I view my courses?
- How can I delete a course?
- How can I edit a course?
- How can I view my students?
- How can I add a student?
- How can I edit a student's account?
- How can I login as a student?
- How can I select multiple students by email to perform bulk actions?
- How can I add a teacher to a student?
- How can I remove a teacher from a student?
- How can I change the teacher assigned to a student?
- How can I add a student to a class?
- How can I change the class a student is assigned to?
- How can I remove a student from a class?
- How can I assign a placement test to a student?
- How can I reset a student's password?
- How can I remove a student?
- How can I assign a course to a student?
- How can I handle error messages when adding students?
- How can I handle error messages when selecting multiple students by email?
- How can I view my classes?
- How can I add a class?
- How can I remove a class?
- How can I edit a class?
- How can I add a teacher to a class?
- How can I change the teacher assigned to a class?
- How can I remove a teacher from a class?
- How can I reset the password of every student in a class?
- How can I assign a placement test to all students in a class?
- How can I assign a course to all students in a class?
- How can I download teacher account data?
- How can I download teacher lesson history?
- How can I download teacher homework history?
- How can I download student placement test results?
- How can I download student account data?
- How can I download student lesson history?
- How can I download student homework history?
- How can I view a report on the number of student enrollments?
- How can I view a report on the number of minutes spent in classrooms by students?
- How can I view a report on synchronous versus asynchronous time spent on Off2Class?
- How can I view a report on homework assignments per week?
- How can I view a report on homework submissions per week?
- How can I view a report on the status of assigned homework?
- How can I view a report on submitted versus reviewed homework?
- How can I view a report on the number of minutes spent in classrooms by teachers?
- How can I manage student email visibility for teachers?
- How can I manage the ability for teachers to remove students?
- How can I manage email settings when assigning a placement test?
- How can I manage teacher and lesson ratings for students?
- How can I manage student ratings visibility for teachers?
- How can I manage the default standard?
- How can I manage the ability for teachers to manage the default standard?
- How can I manage the default student interface language?
- How can I manage participation scoring?