How can I handle error messages when adding multiple teachers at once?

In this article, we'll cover how to handle error messages when adding multiple teachers at once.


Handling the “email already exists” error message.

This error message can mean a few different things:

The email is already registered to your account as a student, teacher or manager.

  • If a student profile was accidentally created, you can permanently delete the student and then try adding them as a teacher again.
  • If you’re attempting to help a teacher regain access (i.e. change a password), you can edit their account. 
  • If you’re attempting to give a manager teacher access, you’ll need to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help you.
The email is registered to another account.
  • Contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
The email was removed/deleted.
  • Contact us and we’ll be happy to help