How can I edit a course?

In this article, we'll cover how to edit a course.


To edit a course, click View & Customize.

You can only edit your customized courses.

When editing a course, you can:

  • Change the name and description.
  • Add lessons.
  • Remove lessons.
  • Rearrange the order of the lessons.

To change the name and description, click on and update the field, then click Save & Close once done. 

To add lessons, search for a lesson.

We find it helpful to have either the lesson library or the teaching tools open in another tab to simplify the search process.

Click Add and then click Save & Close once done. 

To remove lessons, click the trash can on the same line as the lesson you want to remove, then click Save & Close once done. 

To rearrange the order of lessons, click and hold on to the lesson you want to move, drag it to your new desired location, and click Save & Close once done.