How can I assign homework to my students?

In this article, we'll cover two ways to assign homework to your students.

Homework allows you to monitor student progress on asynchronous assignments.  Each lesson has a corresponding homework assignment that is completed asynchronously by the student.

To assign homework, your student must be enrolled in a lesson.

The easiest way to assign homework is when prompted by the platform after clicking 'Close Classroom'

After closing the classroom an 'Assign Homework' window pops up

  1. Keep the tick if you want to assign the homework or uncheck the box if not.
  2. Enter a due date (optional - when the due date is past, your student will lose access to the assignment!)
  3. Click Assign Homework.

Preview the homework while teaching a lesson by clicking 'Homework'

The homework opens in a preview tab visible only to the teacher. Close the tab after previewing to be taken back to the classroom.

Assign homework at any time by finding the lesson in the student’s lesson history table and clicking the + sign

Follow the instructions on the next screen

  1. Preview the homework.
  2. Enter a due date (optional - when the due date is past, your student will lose access to the assignment)
  3. Select a class - only available if your student is part of a class.
  4. CC - if you'd like anyone, for example, the parents to be notified of the assignment.
  5. Assign homework.

Your student will find their homework assignment under Homework, in their To Do tab.


Many teachers use a Flipped Classroom approach so that students can preview the material before class.

To do this, enroll a student in a lesson and close the classroom. This gives them access to the slides and allows them to preview the material before class. If you choose to assign homework when closing the classroom, your students can complete this assignment before class too.