How can I remove students from my account?

In this article, we'll cover how to remove students from your account.

If your account is rostered via SSO (Clever or Classlink), manual rostering of Teachers, Students, and Classes is disabled. Please contact your coordinator or IT contact for help with rostering. Learn more in this Help Article.

When a student stops learning with you, you will want to remove them from your account, so as to make room for a new student.

To remove a student from your account, start in the Student Management page and click on the student's name

Click on 'Student Info & Settings'

Click the red 'Remove Student' button

Click 'OK' in the pop-up window

If the Remove Student button is not visible, please contact your account manager to either remove the student for you or give you the needed permission to do so yourself.

Note: If a former student returns to work with you again, you can reactivate them, and all their work history will have been saved!