What are unit checks?
In this article we explain what unit checks are and the role they play in Off2Class assessment.
Unit checks are summative assessments that are taken at the end of a unit. They consist of 20, 30, or 50 questions and assess a student’s understanding of the key language covered in the preceding unit. Together with homework, unit checks allow teachers to assess their students’ understanding and proficiency as they work through lessons in the Off2Class Lesson Library. However, while homework is available for every Off2Class lesson, unit checks are only available for sequential lesson series and curriculums that are divided into units. The following lessons have unit checks:
- Step-by-Step Curriculum (78 unit checks)
- Step-by-Step Curriculum for Schools (24 unit checks)
- Business English Curriculum (40 unit checks)
- Core Curriculum (60 unit checks)
- Foundational Literacy Lessons (12 unit checks)
To find out more about how to assign unit checks to your students, click here.