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How can I learn about the teacher panel?

In this article, we'll cover how to use the teacher panel.

The teacher panel as a whole is your task list for a birds-eye view of which assignments require your attention. The To Do tab specifically is your inbox of submitted work, waiting for your action; the other tabs allow you to monitor students' progress towards submitting their assignments.

From your teacher panel you see all your students' assignments together in one place.  If you're managing large numbers of students and classes the teacher panel is a more efficient way to see which assignment needs attention first and get more grading done in less time. 

Locate the teacher panel in the drop-down menu below 'Teacher' on the top left of your screen, in the Lesson Library

Note the tabs along the top of the page  

  1. To Do: displays only assignments that have been submitted and not yet reviewed, as opposed to assignments that are in progress.
  2. Homework: lists only homework assignments.
  3. Placement Tests: lists the progress of all placement tests.
  4. Unit Checks: lists the progress of all unit checks.
  5. Class filters in orange: allow you to view students by class.

Below this you have a list of student assignments

In the tab bar the To Do tab is special because it lists only assignments that have been submitted, as opposed to assignments that are still in progress. All the other tabs lists specific types of assignments (homework, placement tests, unit checks) on their way to being ready for review. 

Note that any assignment that has been submitted and is awaiting review also appears in the To Do tab.

Some features common to every tab

  1. Orange class buttons: Assignments can be sorted by class in every tab and are listed in reverse chronological order meaning the ones that have been submitted most recently are at the top so you don't have to worry about sorting through individual student profiles to track which student did what on which day.
  2. Date submitted: Click here to be taken directly to the student's submitted assignment, side-by-side with the answer key.
  3. Student name: Click to go directly to the student profile page.

The homework tab

Select assignments to perform bulk actions - if you click the checkbox to the left of an assignment you can take different actions depending on the assignment status, not every action is available for every assignment status.

  • A homework assignment that is assigned but not started (shown above) can be removed or have the due date changed;
  • A homework assignment that has been submitted but not yet reviewed (see below), can be marked as reviewed, reassigned or removed.

You can click on assignments of different status' to see which actions are available.

The placement tests tab

  1. Classes: Filter by class or view all classes.
  2. Status: View status and click on 'Not reviewed' to review test results.
  3. Student: Click student name to go to student profile page.
  4. Class: View name of class student is assigned to.
  5. Proficiency level: View Grammar level of the test results.

You can also perform bulk actions by clicking the checkboxes - 
  • If a test has been assigned, not started, you can remove the assignment.
  • If a test has been submitted, you can mark it as reviewed, reassign it or remove it.
  • If a test has been started, not submitted, there is no bulk action available.

Clicking the blue, Not reviewed script, takes you straight to the placement test results.
Clicking the student name, takes you straight to the student's page.

The unit checks tab

  1. Classes: Filter by class or view all classes.
  2. Status: View status and click on 'Not reviewed' to review unit check results.
  3. Student: Click student name to go to student profile page.
  4. Class: View name of class student is assigned to.
  5. Unit Check: View name and level of unit check.
  6. Score: View unit check scores.

You can also perform bulk actions by clicking the checkboxes - 

  • If the unit check has been assigned, not started, you can remove the assignment.
  • If the unit check has been submitted, you can mark it as reviewed, reassign it or remove it.
  • If the unit check has been started, not submitted, there is no bulk action available.

Clicking the blue, Not reviewed script, takes you straight to the unit check results.
Clicking the student name, takes you straight to the student's page.

Class Filters

Available in all the tabs - when you click a class name from the orange class filter buttons, only the students from that class appear. This is great for reviewing homework status quickly before teaching your next class.