What is the training & development fee for Enterprise?

In this article, we'll cover the training & development fee for the Enterprise subscription.

The Training and Development fee is a required recurring cost for an Enterprise account and provides access to powerful Enterprise-level features including our Course-builder, Data Dashboards and Student Ratings.  Enterprise subscriptions are sold on a ‘self-service’ basis meaning our team provides you with the right tools to self-manage your school's usage of Off2Class.

For  $300/year, this fee covers the following features and services:

  1. Custom Administration Panel:
    1. CSV uploader to create student and teacher accounts
    2. CSV downloader to obtain student and teacher statistics
    3. Ability to move students between teachers and bulk edit accounts
  2. Custom Course Builder:
    1. Create your own courses for student study 
  3. Chat Support:
    1. Fast response time within one business day or less