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How can I add multiple students at once?

In this article, we'll cover how to add multiple students to your account quickly.


Start in the Enterprise Management Panel and click Import.

To import students, click Go to Import Students.

Click here to download the template.

Downloading this template will give you a spreadsheet file with a .CSV (comma-separated values) that is pre-formatted exactly how it needs to be in order to bulk-add students to Off2Class. All you need to do is fill it out! 

The importer will only upload new students. Students already on your account will be ignored if they appear in the file. 

Here, you can also see the required and optional fields.

Open the file in your preferred file app and fill out the rows. Once complete, save the file as a .csv

Ensure you keep all header information in the file even if the rows do not contain information. Uploading a file without all header information can result in a failed import. 

Ensure that each row has a unique email address. 

If you fill out the class name fields, class(es) will be created when the file is uploaded. The classes that get created will not be editable, so if you want teachers to have the ability to change the name of the class(es), you’ll need to make it editable

Important: Use unique class names (i.e. avoid having multiple classes with the same name). If multiple classes have the same name, this can make managing the classes difficult. Also, if students are added to a class and the teacher of the class is not their assigned teacher, this may cause error messages for the teacher. 

Back in Off2Class, click Choose File and select your file. After you have selected your file, click Upload. 

Click Create Student(s).

Sometimes, an error message might appear and/or some rows might be highlighted. See the next step if that happens. 

We will not email the students their login credentials, so be sure to save them and share them with your students. 

Handling highlighted rows.

Yellow highlight: The student(s) are already active and part of your enterprise.

In this scenario, the students highlighted in yellow will be ignored.


Blue highlight: The student(s) are already registered on this site.

You have two options:

  1. Update your CSV file and use an alternative email address for the student, OR
  2. Send a transfer request to the students.
    1. This option will send an email to the student with a link they need to click before they transfer to your account.