Core Curriculum Social Studies

The full module of 12 units (24 lessons) of Core Curriculum Social Studies covering language and skills for ELs in social studies classrooms.

Target students

These lessons are for students who have already developed basic English proficiency and need
support acquiring the subject-specific language and skills necessary to engage fully in the social
studies classroom, especially LTELs. Lessons in this module target pre-intermediate levels (WIDA
Developing/CEFR B1).

Key features

All lessons in this series are based around the following elements:

  1. Relevant topics for US secondary students: Topics for the lessons in this module all feature prominently in the social studies curricula
    and frameworks used in three influential US states: California, Florida and New York.
  2. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): The lessons in this module use a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach by introducing subject content through the medium of English. Language learning in meaningful contexts is most effective and so promotes quicker acquisition.
  3. Full WIDA mapping: Each lesson in the module is fully mapped to specific WIDA language expectations making it easy for teachers to use the lessons within a wider curriculum map.
  4. Versatile lesson content: While the Core Curriculum Social Studies lessons can be taught from start to finish in a sequence, they can also function as standalone lessons. This means that core subject teachers can jump into a given lesson when necessary to support specific students needs’ at that particular moment.